7 Tips To Take The Best Pictures For Social Media

One of the finest ways to record your life’s events, places, and moments is with photographs. However, if your photos are of poor quality, you may find it difficult to revisit them or lose interest, which defeats the purpose of taking the photos in the first place. 

  This article will walk you through the required procedures to capture lovely photos with your phone’s camera that will serve as long-lasting memories. These points are compiled with the help of a professional photographer, enjoy! 

Clean Lens

Save yourself the stress and clean your lens every time you want to use your camera. It’s important to make sure your phone’s camera lens is clean before taking a picture. Fingerprints, dust, and whatever can cause your pictures to come out blurry. 

 If you don’t do this before, you’ll notice a significant improvement in the quality of your photos once you incorporate this into your picture-taking routine. Always clean your camera lens before taking any pictures. 

Try different angles

Try taking pictures from different angles. It could be a low angle or a high angle to create a unique perspective. You can also try tilting your phone or holding it at an angle to create a more dynamic shot.

When you place your phone appropriately, you can completely alter the outcome; when you do it improperly, you get very bad height, bad lighting, and no good images. Play with angles; your body is a work of art; break symmetry; it’s possible to create different shapes and angles with your hands and legs.

Raising your hands above your head or positioning them in a particular way on your body can improve the quality of your pictures. When comparing angles to a picture of you standing straight, one will certainly spot a more lively and enjoyable picture to recall than the plain look.

Use natural light and nice backgrounds

Natural light is the best option for taking pictures with your phone. Try to take your pictures near a window or outside during the day to get the best lighting. Avoid using your phone’s flash as it can cause harsh shadows and make your pictures look unnatural.

     The background you choose for your picture is just as important as the subject, especially if you plan to post it to social media. Choose a backdrop that enhances your outfit or the aesthetic you’re going for. Some nice background options include; nature, buildings with beautiful architecture, and pastel-colored walls. It’s more entertaining when the background colour is the opposite of your attire because this enhances your angles to stand out. Plain coloured walls (white, grey), brick walls, even a backdrop of people walking by, are all potential options.

Get a Tripod

This is crucial if you have to take your own pictures because it’s simpler to set a timer and just go with the flow. It’s also a more effective method because you can see the poses and styles you’re working with, which makes you more aware and enables you to make the necessary adjustments in terms of body position, the way your face looks in the background, and your best sides and angles.

Practice and be carefree

Practice, to be good at anything you must consciously and consistently practice. Practice the styles and angles you’ve seen that you actually want to try out to get the best position for your desired outfit or look. considering that you already have it in your head, it is simpler to implement the styles and achieve your desired results. The adage “practice makes perfect” is relevant here.

Be carefree. The secret to taking beautiful pictures is to be in the proper state of mind and mood. Yes, I said your state of mind. Being jovial and happy will give your photos a natural, airy appearance that immediately indicates you’re having fun. To avoid rigid and standoffish results. Play with your body Be yourself Be in your element, Do whatever makes you feel most at ease. Act as naturally as you can.

While you’re at it, if you’ve got difficulty being natural in front of a camera, try to divert your attention by playing with your hair, wearing jewellery, or touching your earrings. These are all straightforward, feminine items. You are doing the typical feminine things without overdoing it, like going for your hair and delicately stroking your bracelets and jewellery. This always looks nice in photographs and it’s effortless.


Before taking a picture, tap on the subject you want to focus on. This will help your phone’s camera focus on the right area and create a sharper image. If you’re taking a portrait, it’s best to focus on the person’s eyes to create a more engaging picture.

If you’re using an iPhone there are several settings you can use to capture better pictures, such as staying in the middle of the grid, adjusting the brightness setting according to the exposure you need, and using Live Photo to edit and blur the background of nearby people to give your images a more artistic feel. For more tips, search online for iPhone picture hacks. The first step is to be intrigued and see what your creativity has in store. There are many discoveries to be made regarding the angles and forms your phone is capable of accomplishing. 

Edit your pictures

Editing your pictures can help enhance the colors and make them look even better. Just be careful not to over-edit your pictures, as this can make them look unnatural. A lot of people are guilty of this.

Take as many pictures of yourself as you can so that you have a wide selection to choose from. If you have someone else operating the camera, ask them to take as many photos of you while you are oblivious of the camera, making more options to choose from.

Be curious and free the world is your stage, own it and be yourself. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the results of letting go, freedom has a certain beauty that can sometimes be captured in photographs.

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