6 Most Common Food That Aids In Weight Loss

Weight loss is a common goal for many people, and there are numerous ways to achieve it. It is also a very sensitive issue regarding the fact that most people put on weight as a result of underlying health conditions or even genetics. However, putting on weight isn’t such a bad thing unless it starts causing harm to the body. There are several ways to lose weight and there are also several myths regarding weight loss. One of the most important factors is what you eat. Eating the right foods can help you lose weight and improve your overall gut health. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best foods that aid with weight loss. But first, let’s talk about the different myths surrounding weight loss.

Some of the most common myths include: Skipping meals, Starving, Restricting your diet, Cutting carbs, Taking pills and weight loss tea, etc. If you’re trying to lose weight, you may be in your most vulnerable state and might likely fall victim to a lot of wrong information, including vendors selling the infamous weight loss tea and pills or even waist trainers. By the time you realize, you’ve wasted so much money, time and you may likely end up not feeling good about it.

So instead of restricting your diet, or wasting time looking for shortcuts, focus on feeding your body healthier foods and exercising your body.


Food plays a crucial role in weight loss. To lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories than your body burns, which creates a calorie deficit. This calorie deficit can be achieved either by reducing your food intake or increasing your physical activity, or a combination of both.
Foods high in nutrients, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, can help you feel full while consuming fewer calories. This can help you achieve your weight loss goals while still getting the nutrients your body needs.

Are there healthy or unhealthy foods?

There are a lot of controversies regarding healthy and unhealthy foods, and we might have been told to stay away from certain foods because they are considered “unhealthy”, and consume particular types of food because they are “healthy”. However, I encourage people who are on a weight loss journey not to restrict their diet because it doesn’t give sustainable results. It is important to understand that some foods are more beneficial to your body and provide your body with vital nutrients that are essential for your health, while some are not, and it doesn’t mean you should cut out those foods completely. Most people tend to consume these “healthy foods” in ridiculous high amounts and end up wondering why they are not losing weight. However, one of the most important keys to a sustainable and weight loss journey is moderation. Let’s go ahead and list out some Whole Foods that you can consume while on your weight loss journey.

Protein: Protein is said to be one of the most important nutrients for weight loss and a better looking body. A high protein intake boosts metabolism and reduces appetite. Increasing the amount of protein you eat may help with weight loss by regulating certain hormones and helping you feel fuller longer, among other benefits. Also, eating more protein can lead to major reductions in cravings and the desire to snack late at night. These changes make it much easier to stick to a healthy diet. Some examples of protein are; Eggs, Lean meat, Fish, Low-fat Dairy, Legumes, seafood. Etc.

Fruits: Fruits are a natural source of sugar. Therefore, the natural sweetness of most fruits may also help people satisfy sugar cravings. This in turn may help them avoid fast food and processed snacks. Incorporating fruit in the diet, alongside healthy eating and regular exercise may contribute to weight loss.
However, some fruits may be better for weight loss than others. Some of these fruits include; Avocado, Watermelon, Apple, Cucumbers, Berries, Grapes, Melons, Oranges, bananas, etc.

Fibers: Eating foods rich in soluble fiber may help you lose body weight, this is because Soluble fiber helps keep your gut bacteria healthy and promotes overall fat loss by reducing your appetite. Some examples include; Vegetables rich in fiber (Carrots, Broccoli, Spinach, Kale), Oatmeal, Bulgur, etc.

Carbs: Carbs… YES, Carbs. I call it a controversial food. Sadly carbs have been given a bad rep for so long. They’ve been sidelined for years now and they aren’t even that bad. Just like every other food, it is advisable to consume carbs in moderation. Contrary to popular belief, your body needs carbs because they are the body’s main source of energy. You may lose weight when you cut out carbs, but you’ll burn out easily, feel drained often, and this could slow down your sugar level as well as your weight loss journey. Some examples include; Rice, Sweet Potatoes, whole wheat bread, Quinoa, beans and legumes, etc.

Nuts and seeds: Nuts and seeds aid in body weight regulation as their fats are not completely absorbed, they help burn energy and regulate the intake of food. When included as part of a weight-loss, nuts have been shown to enhance weight loss and fat loss in the abdominal region. Lower fat in the abdominal region means lower risk of chronic diseases (such as heart disease and diabetes). Therefore, nuts should be part of a healthy diet. Some examples include; Cashew nuts, Almond nuts, Walnuts, flaxseed, Chia seed, etc.

Water: Water isn’t a food, but it’s just as important when it comes to healthy weight loss. Not only is it calorie-free, but it can help keep you full and give a slight boost to your metabolism.

Below are also a few tips you should note before starting your weight loss journey.

  • Exercise is a key part of weight loss. And no, you don’t have to register at the gym before you consider exercising. Taking a walk, skipping, and any other form of locomotive movement can also help.
    Forget the scale. Focus on making healthful changes instead of concentrating only on the number on the scales.
  • Avoid labeling foods as “healthy” and “unhealthy”. Restricting yourself from certain foods can lead to cravings and then guilt when those foods are eaten. Choose nutritious foods most of the time and enjoy treats in moderation.
  • Avoid getting overly hungry. Waiting to eat until starving can make it harder to be mindful of healthful choices.
  • Food Planning and meal prepping ahead of time can help ensure healthful choices are available, this way, you can also avoid eating out as often as you can.
  • You can get an accountability partner to always put you in check.
  • Consult a dietitian who is a food and nutrition expert and can help with information that will aid in your weight loss journey.
  • Work on getting adequate sleep and managing stress levels in addition to choosing healthful foods and staying active, as sleep and stress affect health.

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