How To Romanticize Your Life 

To me, romanticizing one’s life just entails allowing oneself to take pleasure and regard in the small things, those intimate encounters we view as meaningful. If you enjoy the small, mundane details about other people, just consider having these experiences with oneself. 

You become more aware of your behaviors, thoughts, and emotions as you go about your day when you romanticize your life. 

Let’s face it, there are moments when we need to sit back, appreciate the moment, and pay attention to all that is happening here and now.

Basically, this is the practice of mindfulness, which is one of the finest ways to improve mental health. It also boosts productivity and longitude while decreasing feelings of anxiety or sadness. Keep in mind that doing this doesn’t imply denying reality or the unpleasant aspects of life; rather, it means turning them into something uplifting and beautiful to make your journey through life easier.  

People enjoy many different things, so pick one that speaks to you and use it to your advantage altogether.  For instance, my mother enjoys reading certain romance novel series, which she occasionally mentions and looks forward to reading. I can tell that she actually enjoys doing this since she romanticizes the little things that soothe her. Simply put, romanticizing your life helps you to appreciate the little things, such as the feel of the wind on your face, the sound of birds singing, nature, and much more.

There are many things you may incorporate into this, such as making a new recipe that you’ve been wanting to try, pouring yourself a cup of coffee, singing and dancing to your favorite music, visiting places that make you feel grounded and at peace, and much more.

   Here are a few ideas to begin romanticizing your life;

•organize your space

•Buy yourself flowers 

•Skincare is self-care 

•Bath and scented candles

•Read a book/ Journaling 

Organize your space

This may seem like a chore, but a well-arranged space has more positive effects on the mind than you might think. Psychology has shown that this is true. 

Sometimes what you need is concrete evidence that you’ve got it together, and what better way to do this than by caring for your immediate surroundings and making your space more aesthetically pleasing to you. Other times, it’s just the little things you add to your space that lift your spirits, such as fairy lights, plants, DIY mirrors, polaroid pictures, and a bookshelf filled with your favorite books. More than merely keeping things in their proper places, an orderly environment also reduces tension and makes you feel lighter. 

It improves your quality of sleep, provides you more “me” time, and gives you more time to work on your priorities and schedule. A well-organized environment checks the box for a better way of living. A generally organized environment enables you to concentrate on life and how you are using your time rather than on messes and to-do lists. 

Buy yourself flowers 

Purchase some flowers for yourself. You should prioritize treating yourself to some flowers. This is a clear indication that you love yourself and you’ll do the standing in for yourself when no one else seems to care, always remember that your feelings count. In the same way that you would go out of your way to please a spouse or a friend, doing it for yourself lends so much intentionality to the act of showing up for yourself.

Buying your favorite flowers for yourself is not pathetic; rather, it shows that you recognize your worth and believe that there is no better way to show ‘you’ support than by giving it to yourself. In addition to enriching your surroundings with lovely colors and the scent of flowers, it supports and elevates your self-esteem. 

Skincare is Self-care 

Self-care is about taking care of oneself, and taking care of one’s skin shows that one is paying attention to what one’s body needs in order to look and feel better. You’re consciously putting aside time to take care of yourself, so that’s me-time. What could be more self-care-related than rolling a jade stone over your skin, applying a cucumber mask on your face to hydrate it, and listening to your favorite 80s music? Using mindfulness techniques to complete your skincare routine has a way of calming and soothing you.

Everything that helps you feel your best is considered to be self-care. So, certainly, taking care of oneself includes skincare. Taking the time to take care of your skin gives you a sense of control and the chance to practice mindfulness. During this time, you can calm your thoughts and pay attention to your emotions as they are at that very moment. 

 Being intentional with your skincare also has other benefits, and we all know that when you look better, you feel better, which encourages you to romanticize your life. 

Baths and Scented candles

Scented candles are best for aromatherapy. We all know that scents hold memories and represent more than just making your space smell good at the moment. The sense of smell is closely linked to memory, and people frequently say that the sense of smell conjures memories so well that they feel as though they are experiencing the moment again.

For example, when you recall the scent of lavender and you think back to that me-time you enjoyed in the bathtub a few days ago, this is going to put a smile on your face and you’ll start to plan the next one then you associate the scent of lavender with the feeling of relaxation.

Read a book / Journaling

A great approach to organize your thoughts is to keep a journal. Because it is only for you to read, there are no limitations on how honest you can be with yourself. Journaling allows you to put words to your reality and tell your narrative exactly as it is in your head. 

   Journaling has a number of advantages; 

•Keeping track of your development and progress.

•Achieving goals.

•Boosting your self-confidence by reflecting on the difficulties you overcame

•Improving your writing and communication skills because you’re consistently practicing the art of writing and being able to express yourself more.

•Finding inspiration by using your journal as a blank canvas, and realizing more about yourself than you knew. Your thoughts are uninterrupted, so you write them down as it is

•Improves working memory; studies have shown that writing down your ideas might lessen intrusive thoughts about unfavorable situations. Writing anything down even just signals to the brain that you want to remember it. 

Wouldn’t you say that the process of romanticizing a routine moment in your life is taking place when you read your favorite books or items and are completely absorbed in them for the entire time? 

How do you practice romanticizing your life ?

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